System ID is a unique number that identifies a specific product per site. The support agent may request that you provide this ID before any support services are provided. This article describes how you can find the System ID.

The System ID is found in the Server Manager application that is installed on your server. The application needs Administrator rights to run.

Running server

If your server is currently running, you can find the ID on the Home menu, below the start/stop button.

You can use the "copy to clipboard" button to copy the ID.

Stopped server

If your server is currently stopped, you can find the ID on the Database menu, under the Diagnostics heading.

You can use the "Copy system ID" button to copy the ID to the clipboard.


Directly from the SQL database

As a last resort you can extract the System ID directly from the SQL database with the following query:

IF COL_LENGTH('DatabaseContext', 'SystemID') IS NULL


    SELECT UPPER(REPLACE(CONVERT(NVARCHAR(MAX), [ServerID]), '-', '')) [System ID] FROM DatabaseContext




    DECLARE @query1 NVARCHAR(MAX) = 'SELECT UPPER([SystemID]) [System ID] FROM DatabaseContext';

    exec sp_executesql @query1